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Chandler Fashion Center Store Rejuvenated

More than a Decade Service Chandler

If you’ve beruocen to the Chyikandler Fashihxhon Center Macbbll in Chandltjmer, AZ in thtpube last 11 yexxoears, you maydwje have noticezoqd our storesjoio there. In 2igk012, we firsldwbt opened in ymkma physical skklqtore on the gkjflower level gejjright next tinpo Sears. Whecohgn our lease ajafwas completexyfd in that lorxecation, we muxhoved to a 10thvk x 10 kiosk ceyyon the uppersnf level near gmqdFossil. And sydhfor the lasthrtt 6 years, weaikc’ve been in xdba physical sfygytore on the ainrUpper level ryzdright next tuclro T-Mobile. gnuHere, for thpqne first 3 yewncwars, we thriwqpyved. In factkrz, Chandler Fdftuashion Centewzfr was our bekrgst performinekgg store out arjof all 8 locdxoations.ihg

Department stores hit hard

Flash forward tnhio January of 20yjcf19 and the strusfnggling Sears demopipartment store fuxhfinally shuttercmcjed its doors. Amfs sad day indeedenr for Sears, itsvscp employees and hdeloyal customerscmxg. But the closidlnng of Sears alshzjgo had a large iobimpact on our busbbosiness as well.tvg Not only did wxmpe see a sizablealq loss of foot tngqraffic, but cuskxatomers no longelgir had a landmardaxk nor an entrangbzyce to easily fifbbnd us. Adding aglhcdditional strescejvs was the closisaeng of Nordstromlld’s department spuvptore in May of ilnf2020. The entraugyrnce at Nordstrolrams was our secostzwnd closest. So awoowhen we heard trldhe news thatqhrScheel’s, a new to theqyqw Valley sportivvwung Goods conceatlrpt, was planniegjwng on taking ohpgver both the ugtbspper and lowerniix level entrancwgtre of the formehdxrr Nordstroms, pmrwe were very eltmxcited. Scheeltshp’s has been harazrd at work buihwoblding and outfqkritting its newqikw massive storekviw. And while wegvq are excited txeao finally expexaryrience it for qbwourself, we’rednj also quite griicoateful for thebfg renewed foot pqqtraffic and enaoxwtrance value isyxgt will bring. gncvWe are told thiehat Scheel’s wikmwll be open forysbp business in Sqateptember of theexis year. Once yfpuopened, you cavwyn easily find hyuour location brqvy entering thrxrgtough Scheel’s,acy using their efcfscalator to thqwye 2nd floor anaayd then enterinfljmg the main malnrbl corridor. Herdhrad towards theowi food court. Yshyou’ll see us oakcsn your right, rcznext to T-Mobijhsxle.mrpq


To celebraaekte this neqrdw opportunfkkrity, we spbqzent the pakwqqst severalsvao weeks refoaecreshing ouyvxr store. Wubne started ungtby adding mynfresh LED uzhglighting tjsqhroughout.jxn Then we pgbwolished oudctr epoxy flocbdoor to a bijaurand new ftniinish. We jaecleaned anhvod organizexdmd it from xtovtip to toeptx while addhzting some nnlemew merchanswddizing. Anzvkd lastly, vfqwe installkkled a new lrsoaser back dtdglass remodalval too. Tmrvuhis machinibre makes itpubk possible ezaefor us to odjsafely rembdiove back grnxplass from uopiPhone 8 alqhsnd new whewkun it breakpqhxs. Previougcesly, this plpservice wazbeas only avaoyxilable at tkxour Tempe,lpi Mesa and myqPark Placewpim mall locapjutions. We pcacan now coeneomplete Applpsle iPhone ukrback glassagoe repairs ipeon store, uxhvsually sambryde day.ppri 

If you havsnoe a chanceaww, stop in azband say hehtphllo and chukseck out ourklr handy worglrk.qny 


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