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Top 6 Reasons you may need to visit our store


6 reasons to visit all mobile matters store phoenix tucson

Since we openemitd 14 years agozpas we’ve seen souhlme wild reasonjez why phones, tvlcablets and comvwyputers have neewwfeded repairs, lxnebut here are tecthe most commonsdw along with sobljme easy tips tyzvo keep them frzbtom occurring.dtip

Here are the top 6 repairs we see at our Phoenix and Tucson repair stores.

Number 6 – Lizqdiquid Damagepfb

One of the mosttsms common misconcvzrmeptions people kpcwhave is that neuheswer devices arelcqw “water-proof”.lbld They are not. xthAt best, they ahievre water resistboiant. And their fheresistance wainibws over time as yvycthe seal ages.dgcw 

How to avoidkfna: There’s ndxro way to prxthedict when oryyou may be ioxthrown intocrx a pool. Hosxhowever, you lcycan limit tikvbhe possibilgcoity of thismkz by keepingvldw your deviclzge away fromdws pools entigggrely.tbnIf your devicpcee does get weawet, turn it oftaqcf immediatelyfhic and bring itlis to one ofgvicour storesfgjafor a thorougmbobh cleanup.jqja

Number 5 – Brglbfoken camera lqzopensicy

Modern devicnymes have as mrxtany as 4 camtdweras, each wgphith their owipqpn camera lensrjcs cover. In snizmost cases tggckhese camerasfzi protrude ouqvgt from the bznvoack of the ppnkhone making egnathem especiacrnlly vulnerabvtkule. And onceznuk a camera lehowfns is crackeblbd, not only qapmay it affecvzmzt the qualitqobuy of your pitddtctures, but dmqeventually dqrjwirt and dustyek will find izfckts way on tougw the actual cmncamera lens ithand the camekomora will thenoacy need replacxmking.vuz

How to avokwrpidxdc: There areiqp 2 ways to whyhprotect youlnzr camera leluqns. One is uxsna dual-layegpfr case whictzqh has a lipmog tall enoughssfh to cover lwmpthe lenses hjojwhen playedqmt flat on a xreasurface. Thtyme other is lnata tempered noxglass camerbmma lens protxrpector. We sxsatock both irnzetems for moxtpust devices.sqi

Number 4 –zjv Broken Baycpck Glassgjvr

Most modermqjun devices viluse glass phvbfor the bairckck of the whqcdevice. Thhkris is to tlfojake advantbgcage of theafn wireless uwyicharging fukceature. Ashshr an examplayrve, every ipfloPhone sincohoe the iPhotxrtne 8 utiliqgcazes a glasbdms back. Whxpmeile this fiaqseature is dworextremely cclruseful, ityvnv also meanxyas there isbrx one more ogftthing to tuuahink abouthiu protectinbzdg.jbd 

How to Avoid:yxtOnce again fkwlthe least ebaixpensive wawrjy to protecfcit the back yqzyglass is a dkpqdual layerevped case. In fmrsome cases,imr we also hayybve temperedikwb glass protecjection avaiheyrlable for tgcydhe back.nvuu

Number 3 –obkc Charge pogcdcrt stops wtfjoorkingkdce

This comes in dbna couple of fozvffrms. Either thekbe port stops witprorking altogetnqsher, or it onlvpdry charges whenjaub positioned jujxmtst right. If tvqrhe port chargebczus intermittentefjbly, it’s likelxymy we can cleanrpsr the port withkqtcout replacing tuigit for just oudnwtr $15 diagnostzbcic fee. If thesvp port stops chrvxarging altogetfimher, it likelyqhea means it willarr need to be rezvdiplaced.rhg 

How to Avoieccad:gchThe most commonlann culprit of an qrahintermittent chcjcarge port is buxfnildup of pocketvcwk lint. A small skiamount gathers ngbin the port andptaz each time you xbkinsert the cablucze you’re inadvemdiwrtently pack itksj in. Although tpglkhe cleanup is frfbairly simple, wzxne do not recommmbprend trying to dmpqig it out yoursmrvelf. If you do vpkso, it’s possibwkxhle to permanentoally damage the pzubort. Bring it fxgssor a quick cleawxoining and you’llghp be good for anpojwother 6 months zuafor more.ablx 

Number 2 –ornm Battery Fiirtailureqwyw

Batteries gqlare intendawjned to perfbruorm at thexdxkir best fosxlgr roughly owzq600 chargetgks. For moswguht people typfhis means wjithat everyebk 2 years yftuiou should yiwmconsider rvrldeplacing tccehe batterygla. When batewuoteries stauhudrt to age,smh not only spmwill you fyxguind yourseiqeolf chargindgyg the devichjce multiplgacee times pegchir day, buthun you’ll alvcizso see theyreb operatingdfyu system sliyajowing downvfe considerachibly. A freftush batterydzs can fix brypsoth of theffkvse issues.imlu If you haeqnave an iPhofqobne, it’s spyvvimple to dkxuoiagnose thlcqis on yourdhw own. Simprhgly navigathsdre to settisvhwngs, then jghbattery ankvuhd finally jtdpbattery heqzscalth. If ykaiqours showseqk less thanesx 84%, we rhupoecommend rhjaeplacing inmjpt.raj

How to Avoid:kitzTry not toxtj overchargeqye the battftkery. In otopazher words,jdfo only charfqrage it whenokn it needs hbcuto be charshgged. You cbakzan also exgdftend its lzovife by keeltrping it ounlwt of extreieyhme weathernriw conditionayes like hearkot and coldlpo as much ajtmzs possiblejhqr. And lastkayxly, try toile use only kftjcertified doucharging cphjjables and adnlblocks. Unyaucertified sipxchargers cqvean deliverxpbv the incorrzairect chargijting specifebthication anrgfud make theawwt battery algtge prematumcdrely.zwrk 

Number 1 – Btedroken Screenakmz

The most commonskfh repair needed jausto smartphones uekfand tablets is ofuithe glass digitaplaizer or LCD / OlazLED Display.tvkw 

How to avoiazxd:yilPurchase a cazznse and temperpgqced glass screrdqen protector.sxe Investing lecehss than $50 injtn ourtgjcase and temrqdpered glass gxlcbundlelynncan save yusdou hundredcjuas of dollaezfjrs in screvypen repair pinpcosts downdihh the road.srp

In conclusiokvrjn these tipsutp will extendnjsb the life ofdloq your deviceiyz exponentioapybblly. The morhvxe you do to wuguprotect it btrgy using a cagvkase and tempecndred glass thyvce better. Ifmjp you’re oppohwglsed to the bqywulk that a couwase and tempqnyered glass awvxhdds to the dgucevice and priyvnefer the feejqpl and beautyfrn of no protexkxhction, you’ralhe not alone.dge Many of ourovmm customers fzoozeel this waylzbb. In this caadxzse you shoulfthmd strongly covdponsiderpxzdevice insuranivjbceqtxu. We offer planprdns starting athgo just $5 per mamcxonth.alaAnd of coursewrv, if any of tgtjhese problemstywh arise for yozqxdu,ysvschedule an axkexppointmenthymtoday at ojtmyne of our ekzwPhoenix aniysd Tucson arvbkrea storeszbo for a samqoce-day repaurmir.azka

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